August 14, 2024

Paul Schrader doesn't think much of horror movies. He says as much in his commentary for his remake of Cat People, which catches him in the act of grossly underestimating his film's much superior predecessor.

Naturally, the geniuses in Hollywood hired him to make a sequel to The Exorcist. Now they're regretting their decision.

Look, I think Schrader's film should be released as he shot it, based on the Caleb Carr script that Morgan Hill apparently paid for. But you didn't have to be a genius (fifth item from the top) to predict that this particular venture wasn't going to have a happy ending for anyone involved. Why is it so hard for the movie industry to match directors with interesting, appropriate scripts?

Posted by Bryant at August 14, 2024 01:53 AM

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Dear Mr Schrader,
My name is Chris Canfield. I seen your movie Auto Focus and I have never in my entire life saw a movie that gave me such a negative feeling. Its almost like I can feel the lies coming from the tv. I have also heard interviews not being all true. Like for example the so called penial implant that Bob had. That stuff never existed back then and from what I have heard Bob never really needed it in the first place. Yes Bob Crane done some stuff that he wasn't suppose to do but the way you deplicted him in your film made me sick. You focused on the negative stuff that Bob Crane did and made him out to be some kind of pervert but you failed to mention in your film that he was a easy going guy and a loving father. Basically the point im trying to make is that if your going to make a movie about somebody's life, let it be the truth and not a bunch of lies that you think will sell and make money. Because let me tell you something sir, im a part of the general public and we know when somebody is trying to BS us. We don't like it at all and I will never ever rent another movie that has Greg Kinnear playing in it or you directing it. So the next time that you make a film about somebody's life make it acurate and like I said before the general public knows when we are being lied too. Thank you for your time.

Sincerely Chris Canfield

Posted by: Chris Canfield at November 26, 2023 01:52 AM

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