Directed by Robert Benton
Screenplay by Robert Benton
Based on the novel by Richard Russo
Cinematography by John Bailey
Edited by John Bloom
Starring Paul Newman
U.S.A., 1994


This gentle film may have been the biggest surprise of 1994. I’m not usually one to get all warm inside over dramas of small-town relationships and redemption starring folks like Paul Newman, but Nobody’s Fool is nearly perfect from start to finish. Newman's never been sharper than he is as Sully, a loser from way back who’s still coming to terms with his botched history and trying to put together what's left of his life -- which includes a recently returned son and grandson. Bruce Willis is unbilled in his best role to date, and director Robert Benton coaxes a warm and charming performance from Melanie Griffith, on whom I had given up completely. Capped by the regal presence of the late Jessica Tandy and based on an award-winning novel by Richard Russo (who was solicited for input on story changes), Nobody’s Fool qualifies as a minor masterwork, and should be perfect fare on some fragile, snowy night.

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