Movies: March 2004 Archives

March 20, 2024


There are certain signals in a man’s life that remind him that he’s not getting any younger. In my case, I’ve started noticing that when I go to the multiplex on a Friday night, I’m just about the oldest guy in the lobby. Some of those fresh young starlets who regularly inspire impure thoughts are roughly half my age. The neighbor kids have started calling me “Mister.” And, just this weekend, I faced the fact that lumbering zombies are totally uncool. Rage zombies are in.

At 34, I feel so old.

Latest Reviews

Eagle Eye
Eagle Eye (Caruso, 2008)
Starship Troopers 3: Marauder
Starship Troopers 3: Marauder (Neumeier, 2008)
Burn After Reading
Burn After Reading (Coen and Coen, 2008)

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