Reviews: May 1999 Archives

May 30, 2024

RoboCop image.jpg

On the commentary track that accompanies the Criterion Collection's new DVD version of RoboCop, director Paul Verhoeven kicks things off by admitting that, on a first read of the film's script, he declined the project, mistaking it for just another "B-level science fiction movie" from the Hollywood crap factories. Verhoeven's comments are closely followed by those of producer Jon Davison, who imagines Verhoeven simply reading the first 20 pages of the script by Ed Neumeier and Michael Miner and then throwing the damn thing across the room. (From RoboCop, Verhoeven advanced to the far more swollen melodrama of Basic Instinct and Showgirls -- his active philosophy where Hollywood crap is concerned seems to be "if you can't beat them, join them.")

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