Reviews: February 1997 Archives

February 1, 2024

These days, seeing the new Woody Allen film is a little like spending some time with an old lover. Things just haven't worked out. Those once-charming quirks and peccadillos have grown into irritating mannerisms, and while you can't put your finger on what's missing, it just seems like the magic is gone. You get the feeling that the two of you have nothing left in common. But when your ex makes unexpected overtures toward seduction (say, by announcing that his new film will be a musical comedy) you're intrigued. Stumbling toward your rendezvous, you're shot through with anticipation as well as the fear that you'll only be let down once again -- how do you get yourself into these things, anyway?

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This page is a archive of entries in the Reviews category from February 1997.

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