News: July 2007 Archives

July 30, 2024


The death of a great artist is easier to take, for obvious reasons, when that artist's body of work is more or less complete. Robert Altman, for instance, died after making a pretty good musical and before he could start work on a new, off-the-wall project. But Ingmar Bergman more or less retired back in 1982, upon the release of Fanny and Alexander, his lengthy but highly entertaining account of two very eventful childhoods. It's not that I'm less sorry to see him go, exactly, but that the body of work left behind feels intact — like a journey that's reached an at-least-somewhat-satisfactory destination — rather than simply incomplete.

Latest Reviews

Eagle Eye
Eagle Eye (Caruso, 2008)
Starship Troopers 3: Marauder
Starship Troopers 3: Marauder (Neumeier, 2008)
Burn After Reading
Burn After Reading (Coen and Coen, 2008)

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