Bryant: April 2007 Archives

April 11, 2024

A little quiet 'round here lately -- it's a busy time of year leading up to the big NAB convention in Las Vegas, which I cover for Film & Video. Anyway, Grindhouse good (but dead in the water at U.S. theaters), The Reaping not good (but nicely photographed with good digital locusts), Shooter entertainingly absurd (with a comic-book style appreciation of cheap thrills and a fun but inconsequential macho/anti-authoritarian streak), Hot Fuzz intermittently hilarious (but too often as tedious as the turgid action movies it slavishly parodies).

I had intended to write, in honor of Grindhouse, a roundup of some of the Something Weird DVD double features I've enjoyed over the years. Maybe someday. For now, here's a Jarvis Cocker video that dovetails nicely with the car ambush scene from Children of Men, which featured his Running the World over the end credits.


Latest Reviews

Eagle Eye
Eagle Eye (Caruso, 2008)
Starship Troopers 3: Marauder
Starship Troopers 3: Marauder (Neumeier, 2008)
Burn After Reading
Burn After Reading (Coen and Coen, 2008)

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