Bryant Frazer: September 2003 Archives

September 21, 2024

I have a really great relationship with the MPAA. I've always worked really well with them and they've worked well with me. I've never understood directors like Wes Craven or Brian De Palma who are like, "Fuck you assholes, you guys are fucking Nazis. Screw you!" Well, what the fuck do you think their response is gonna be when you treat them like that ...? Everyone bitches at them when they're wrong, but no one ever gives them credit when they're right. I don't see the horror fans applauding them when they give Cabin Fever an R. "Hey! Good job, MPAA!"

From "Kill Bill: Samurai Fiction: Quentin Tarantino creates the ultimate paean to grindhouse cinema", Fangoria magazine, October 2003.

Latest Reviews

Into the Wild
Into the Wild (Penn, 2007)
The Last Winter
The Last Winter (Fessenden, 2006)
The Kingdom
The Kingdom (Berg, 2007)

Deep Focus Letter Grades

Teacher image
A+: A personal favorite. Reveals new facets on repeat viewings.
A: An outrageously great film.
A-: Brilliant. Heartily recommended. I can’t wait to see this again.
B+: A nearly-great film, or merely an outstanding entertainment. Recommended.
B: A good film with some shortcomings or perhaps a lack of ambition. Recommended, with reservations.
B-: An entertaining film, perhaps hampered by a lack of polish, a few bad creative decisions, or a lack of originality. An unremarkable work of integrity. Mildly recommended in a pinch.
C+: An interesting but formally mediocre film, or a formally accomplished but fundamentally banal film. Mildest possible recommendation: fans of the genre or the filmmakers may find it worthwhile.
C: Unremarkable in concept or execution. Screenings are not cost-effective.
C-: Has one or two interesting scenes.
D: Has no redeeming qualities.
F: Ow! My balls!

About this Archive

This page is a archive of recent entries written by Bryant Frazer in September 2003.

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